The use of computers in the field of architectural design initially only involved digitizing tasks that were traditionally done manually. Computer-based modeling or drawing still relied on additive logic, which involved adding overlapped information without associative relationships, heavily relying on the designer’s consistency. This additive logic persisted for a long time as it was considered stable for exploring and refining variations through traditional image media. However, this logic had limitations as it lacked connections between depicted elements and couldn’t incorporate physically relevant aspects that shape the generation of real-world forms. These limitations prompted architects to develop their design mindset.

In 1963, a computer expert named Ivan Sutherland discovered a tool called the Sketchpad, which is considered the first CAD tool and served as a precursor to popular CAD computer applications in subsequent years. This marked the transition from additive logic to associative logic. Associative logic became the foundation for the use of computing in design, supported by the advancements in information technology and computer science.

In associative logic, the manipulation of shapes is performed directly, similar to how we draw a line on paper by moving our hand according to the desired line. However, when using associative logic in computer-based design, shape manipulation is achieved indirectly through algorithms. A line is not formed by the movement of our hand, but rather by calculating the distance between two points.

The architectural design process using computers is no longer limited to representational purposes; it harnesses the computer’s capacity to think and execute instructions based on procedures created by the architect. This approach is known as computational thinking, which has evolved alongside the increasing complexity and speed of computer capabilities. Computers can quickly generate shapes based on algorithms devised by architects, complemented by the architect’s logical thinking ability. The advantage of this approach is its ability to produce shapes that were previously challenging to achieve using conventional modeling techniques reliant on additive logic.

In general, computational thinking consists of four techniques:

  1. decomposition
    solving the problem by breaking the problem into several small problems.

  2. abstraction
    recognizing the key components of the differences in the problem to develop a solution to several problems.

  3. pattern recognition
    recognizing the similarity of components of a problem.

  4. algorithm
    a set of procedures to solve problems.

Computational design is a design process that leverages computational thinking. It has continued to evolve in the field of architectural design alongside the advancements in information technology, giving rise to various new terms such as parametric design, algorithmic design, and generative design.


Caetano, I., Santos, L., and Leitão, A. (2020): Computational design in architecture: Defining parametric, generative, and algorithmic design, Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9(2), 287–300.

Indraprastha, A. (2021): Dasar-dasar Desain Parametrik: Pendekatan Algoritmik dalam Perancangan dan Konstruksi Purwa Rupa, ITB Press, Bandung.

Tedeschi, A. (2014): AAD Algorithms-Aided Design: Parametric Strategies using Grasshopper, Le Penseur, Napoli, 498.